After 6 Years Getting Filthy Rich On Social Media, Jack Doherty Invites YOU To

Learn His

Social Media Secrets

Borrow His

Viral Content



11.1 M


9.1 M






The 8 Figure Influence Academy is officially open. Click the button below to lock in a Founding Member spot at a HUGE DISCOUNT! 
The 8 Figure Influence Academy is officially open. Click the button below to lock in a Founding Member spot at a HUGE DISCOUNT! 
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Learn His Social Media Secrets...

Borrow His Viral Content...


The 8 Figure Influence Academy is officially open. Click the button below to lock in a Founding Member spot at a HUGE DISCOUNT! 
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Hijack My Proven Social Media Method (And My Content) & Use It To Earn A Part Time, Even Full Time Income Or MORE

Even if you’re starting from scratch!

If you’re tired of watching everyday people BALL OUT on Social Media and live a life of freedom (many at an insanely young age)…

While YOU spend waaayyyy too much time and energy working THE PLAN... just to “do ok” or even “get by''... 

Or maybe you...
  • Tried to make money on social media but couldn’t
  • Don’t have a large following
  • Tried other “side hustles” but haven’t made money
  • ​Have limited time to create and post content
  • ​Don’t know what to do or where to start 
  • Tried to make money on social media but couldn’t
  • Don’t have a large following
  • Have tried other “side hustles” but haven’t made money
  • ​Have limited time to create and post content
  • ​Or don’t know what to do or where to start 
And all you want is a Proven Path to make money on Social Media...

Then pay attention... because I’m going to hand you...

The Exact Social Media Method I used to gain over 10,000,000 Followers & earn over $10,000,000 Dollars…. all before My 19th Birthday

The Exact Social Media Method I used to gain over 10,000,000 Followers & earn over $10,000,000 Dollars…. all before My 19th Birthday

11.1 M


9.1 M






My Name’s Jack Doherty… 

And before I was living in a 10,000 square foot mansion, pissing off my neighbors with my Lambo & Mcclaren, flying on private jets and partying on yachts with my best friends and super hot girls… 

I was just another guy posting on Social Media with barely anyone watching.

Fortunately I was young enough, and crazy enough to believe that if I cracked the code to Social Media influence… I could live the life of my dreams NOW.

Not 40 years from now (which was what people told me I should be doing).
Nobody believed in me or supported me... 

Heck… my parents even dragged me onto Dr. Phil to try and talk some sense into me.
But it was toooo late.  I wouldn't listen to them, Dr. Phil, or ANYONE for that matter.

I absolutely REFUSED to...
  • Take on massive debt for years of school only to “hope” I’d get a job
  • Wake up to an alarm clock every day to go to a job I didn’t like.
  • Spend years building someone else’s dream just to pay the bills.
  • ​Answer to a BOSS who told me when I had to be at work, or what I was and wasn’t allowed to do.
  • ​Be limited in ANY way because I lacked the money to do the things I wanted.
  • Take on massive debt for years of school only to “hope” I’d get a job
  • Wake up to an alarm clock every day to go to a job I didn’t like.
  • Spend years building someone else’s dream just to pay the bills.
  • ​Answer to a BOSS who told me when I had to be at work, or what I was and wasn’t allowed to do.
  • ​Be limited in ANY way because I lacked the money to do the things I wanted.
If you can relate… 

If deep inside you know you're meant to do more than work some job just to pay the bills...

I Want To Help... Starting Today!

Introducing My...

A 3 Step System Designed To Build A Life Changing Social Media Presence

That Feeds Your Bank Account 24/7... 365!

Here's What You Get & How It Works...


  • You'll Get  Access To My 8 Figure Influence Course
  • Follow All 9 Step-By-Step Lessons
  • Take Action & Implement What You Learn
  • Watch Your Views, Engagement & Followers Grow

Here's What You Get & How It Works...


  • You'll Get  Access To My 8 Figure Influence Course
  • Follow All 9 Step-By-Step Lessons
  • Take Action & Implement What You Learn
  • Watch Your Views, Engagement & Followers Grow


  • You Can Join My Private "Content Clip" Discord
  • Borrow From 700+ of MY Viral Content Clips
  • Post The Clips Using The Secrets Learned In Step 1
  • Build A Huge Audience Without Making Content!


  • You Can Join My Private "Content Clip" Discord
  • Borrow From 700+ of MY Viral Content Clips
  • Post The Clips Using The Secrets Learned In Step 1
  • Build A Huge Audience Without Making Content!


  • I'll invite you to partner with me as an Affiliate!
  • Share Your Unique Partner Link With Your Audience
  • Earn 50% Commissions On All Academy Sales
  • Earn $100 "View Achievement" Bonuses


  • I'll Invite You To Partner With Me  as an Affiliate!
  • Share Your Unique Partner Link With Your Audience
  • Earn 50% Commissions On All Academy Sales
  • Earn $100 "View Achievement" Bonuses


Learn... Borrow... Earn

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Get Started Today...

Listen… I’m gonna be real with you.

There is still plenty of opportunity out there for you to crush it on Social Media

But the more people who join my 8 Figure Influence Academy, and the more time that goes by… the harder it’s going to get.

You are one of the first people to see this, and can get in at the lowest price that will EVER be available.

If that’s not enough of a reason to take action, then this is NOT the right path for you.

At this point…

  • ​You’ve seen the insane results my Method produces.
  • ​I’ve created a simple 3 Step Plan that hands you my Method, provides Content for you, & PAYS you for the results you produce! 
  • ​I’ve even discounted the price so that ANYONE who is a bit resourceful can figure out a way to get inside.
  • ​You’ve seen the insane results my Method produces.
  • ​I’ve created a simple 3 Step Plan that hands you my Method, provides Content for you, & PAYS you for the results you produce! 
  • ​I’ve even discounted the price so that ANYONE who is a bit resourceful can figure out a way to get inside.
There’s nothing else I can do.


The way I see it you have 3 options.  

1). Keep doing what you’re doing, and keep getting what you’re getting. If you love your job, have an overfilled bank account, and have the time freedom to do what you want when you want, then rock on! However if you want more and understand Social Media is the answer, you should choose one of the next 2 options.

2). Figure it out on your own. This is the path I took and to be honest it’s a long hard road. Quite frankly it takes TONS of time (sometimes years) and it’s filled with mistakes and challenges. I don’t recommend this approach, but it’s certainly up to you.

3). Follow My Proven 8 Figure Influence Method. Skip years of mistakes, struggle and trial and error, and instead let me take you by the hand and show you exactly what you need to do to start making money on Social Media right away.

Still on the fence?

Think about this for a quick minute.  

What might you spend $97 on in the coming weeks or months?

Eating out? Shopping? Video Games? Streaming Services? Gadgets or Electronics? Something Else?

Can any of those things help you earn a part time, even full time income or MORE (In your spare time)?
If you’d rather choose to spend on those things instead of growing skills that can change your life. Then this is NOT FOR YOU.

But… if you’re ready to take the first BIG STEP towards a life of freedom.

Then I’m ready to hand you the blueprint to achieve it. 

All you have to do is take action today and become one of the founding members of my 8 Figure Influence Academy.

See you on the inside,

- Jack

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